Last Thursday we had a meeting with three of the DCR foresters who as in charge of collecting data about all of the trees that have been planted by the DCR and areas where trees are going to be collected this fall. I was able to learn how the program Geolink works. Using a tablet PC I am going to be able to go out throughout the city and mark on a map all of the areas where our trees are and collect information about the trees. I will be recording the health of the tree, if it's being watered, where it is located and who is in charge of the tree. It is exciting to be able to work in collaboration with the other groups to hopefully someday be able to create a map showing all of the areas where trees were cut down, but then the positive off all the places new trees were planted.
Below is a map created with help from Gideon at the Urban Ecology Institute in Boston that is a first draft of some of our points from the 2009 planting season. We hope to eventually be able to have a map showing all of our trees throughout the city and what season they were planted in.

This morning we had a preliminary meeting to discuss the creation of a youth tree stewards program similar to the YouthGrow program that is already established in Main South. The overall goal for the program is to provide jobs and mentor people while teaching the importance of the environment and taking care off all the trees that are being planted throughout the city.
September 11th is quickly approaching marking the start to the fall 2010 planting season!
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